Bespoke Google Ads & Shopping Management Agency

Specialists in Google Search Ads and Google Shopping Campaigns

5-star Google Ads management for all industries - we work to lower costs, optimise for lead quality and help your business see greater returns.

Our Google Ads management service drives more sales, leads and phone calls for businesses in the region.

We can begin enhancing your campaigns almost immediately, allowing you to see results within days. Our paid search services include Google Search Ads, Google Shopping Ads, and management of your Google Merchant Center.

  • We drive down costs (CPC, CPA, CPL)
  • Use negatives to remove low value terms
  • Create excellent ad creative to grow your CTR and bottom line
  • Create and manage highly-optimised Merchant Centre accounts
  • Grow your campaigns by conducting audience-intent keyword research
  • Provide on-request Ads Audits for budgets over £1000/month

Our team of ad specialists delivers commercially valuable visitors to your website's best pages. This results in more enquiries, phone calls, and a greater return on ad spend. Our ongoing management and optimisations help your business benefit from over a decade's worth of Google Ads knowledge and hands-on experience. We support businesses throughout East Anglia and the surrounding regions.

Ad Success through Our Onboarding Process

Our onboarding process ensures that we understand all the important details about your services, business history and products. This information enables us to create persuasive ad copy and qualify visitors before they've clicked your ad. All with a view of driving quality visits to your business website or landing page.

Efficient Onboarding

One of the first steps we take is to gather as much information about your business as possible via an onboarding questionnaire; this gives us key insights into your business as well as ideas for revised written content.

In our experience many businesses often have their website created in a way that's easy for them to understand, but this neglects what the customer actually wants to read. Our approach of writing customer-centric copy means that your website will speak to, and address the needs of the customer through your services or products. And these changes translate into more enquiries, phone calls, downloads and sales.

This onboarding strategy is an integral part to a successful ad campaign. Ad success is 50% at the campaign level and 50% your website. By unifying both of these we help clients see success across multiple search channels.

Agree On Advertising Goals & Sign Advertising Agreement

Once we've agreed upon advertising goals we can begin the optimisation of your ad campaigns. These ongoing optimisations are carried out throughout the month and we provide an easy-to-digest report at the end of each month which will show you how your ad campaigns are delivering commercially valuable users to your website. This service is charged at a fixed price, which will be agreed upon before we start work for you. As our work for you progresses we may revisit the monthly fee you pay to us based on how your campaigns are performing.

You sign an agreement with us to have your campaigns managed each month - there is no long-term tie in with us as we find this puts a lot of clients off. Should you ever feel like moving on, you can cease your partnership with Seriously Digital by giving us one month's notice and we'll honor your desire to cease your monthly payments to us.

Send Out Access Request Documents

Once we've collected information about your business through our onboarding process, we then request access to important logins like Google Analytics, Google Business Profile and Google Ads.

We collect these logins via an Zoom or Teams call to prevent needless back and forth in the future; this way we can get started as soon as you get the onboarding information over to us.

Begin The Optimisation Of Your PPC Campaigns

Armed with the information provided in your onboarding questionnaire and access request documents, we'll begin carrying out optimisations to your campaigns.

We'll set up conversion tracking, call tracking and any other insights you'd like to know about in the Google Analytics and Ads interfaces. This information is then presented to you at the end of the month in an easy to interpret report.

Ongoing Monthly Management & Reporting

As we move forward together, we'll make continual improvements to your account and gather more users insights to discover how your website is being used via smart recording software called Hotjar.

With this information, we'll seek to highlight any glaring issues and carry out further optimisations to your website and PPC campaigns.

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